** Thanks to Kent C Dodds, for this workshop on useReducer.
The useReducer does well with managing multiple states that change together. The useReducer hook really excels when managing objects of state. Like a menu with sub-menus, only one menu should be open at once. The useReducer can set the open menu state.
userReducer is similar to redux as in managing state by passing in a reducer function that is a switch statement looking for an action to perform than updating the state. This is more of a convention, I think it would be good to determine where the line is draw between convention and the actual API
when the useReducer is called inside the component, the function requires two arguments. First, one is a function, referred to as a reducer function, and is where the state can be updated and then return. The reducer function also requires two arguments. First is the current state, the other would be what action to update the state. In fact, the second argument is often called “action”.
Now the useReducer is deconstructed into an array. The first value is the state, the other is a function reducer function commonly referred to as the dispatch.
Below are code example on useReducer, the very useful and powerful useReducer.
const [state,setState] = React.useReducer(reducerFunc, initialState)
const onClickHandler = () => setState(step) //action is an obj
function reducerFunc (state, action){
// allow the reducer update the state instead of inside the compoent
return state + step
const [state,setState] = React.useReducer(reducerFunc, initialState)
const onClickHandler = () => setState({count:count + step}) //action is an obj
// rewrite reducer to make it work
function reducerFunc (state,action){
// spread new state into previous state to maintain any properties,
// over write the properties that change
return ({...state, ...action})
const [state,setState] = React.useReducer(reducerFunc, initialState)
//action is an func
const onClickHandler = () => setState({count: currentStaet.count + step})
// rewrite reducer to make it work
function reducerFunc (state,action){
// the use of a ternary to determine the what type the action is
return (
...(typeof action === "function" ? action(state) : action
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducerFunc, {
count: initialCount,
const {count} = state
const increment = () => dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT', step })
const decrement = () => dispatch({ type: 'DECREMENT', step })
<button onClick={increment}>+</button>
<button onClick={decrement}>-</button>
// redux convention
function reducerFunc (state, action){
return{state.count + action.step}
return{state.count - action.step}
new Error(`action type of ${action.type} not supported`)