Intro to useState Hook



UseState hook

hold the current state of the page

Quick while going through contents

  1. allows react component to store data or perform action

  2. useState will return a pair value to which we will deconstruct, first value is current sate and the second is a function to update the state

  3. State is data changed over time, such as a onChange on input or onClick for a button.

  4. The function return from the useState is the updater and commonly will have a prefix of set. Each time the set function is called that will cause React to re-render the component and what ever value passed in the the update state function will be the current state.

  5. When passing props, to a child we don’t want a value to be switching from controlled to uncontrolled so to prevent the state to have an ‘undefined’ could have a default value as an argument for the function